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  1. FishEye
  2. FE-7268

Allow disabling or shortening the lifespan of crucibleprefs1 and remember browser cookies


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Problem Definition

      Customers might need to disable the crucibleprefs1 and / or remember browser cookies completely, or at least shorten their lifespans.

      Currently there is no way to do that in Fisheye.

      Suggested Solution

      Create JVM System Properties that allow doing that.


      Please note

      This workaround has been tested against Fisheye / Crucible 4.6+

      Use Byteman rules to do that. Thus far, we have only found out how to shorten the lifespan of the crucibleprefs1 cookie, we were unable to find out how to do the same for the remember cookie, which then needs to be disabled completely.

      Byteman rule to shorten the lifespan of crucibleprefs1 to 1 day:

      RULE Change crucibleprefs1 age to one day
      CLASS com.cenqua.fisheye.web.PreferenceManager
      METHOD makeCookie
      AT EXIT
      IF true
      DO $cookie.setMaxAge(86400);
      org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger("Byteman").info("Cookie 'crucibleprefs1' lifespan has been shortened to: " + $cookie.getMaxAge());

      Byteman rule to disable the remember cookie completely:

      RULE com.cenqua.fisheye.user.DefaultUserManager#loginWithSanitizedUserName entry
      CLASS com.cenqua.fisheye.user.DefaultUserManager
      METHOD loginWithSanitizedUserName
      AT ENTRY
      IF true
      DO $5 = false;
      org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger("Byteman").info("Cookie 'remember' has been disabled");

      Enabling Byteman in Fisheye:

      Please see Enable Byteman for additional logging in Fisheye and Crucible

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            fkraemer Felipe Kraemer
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