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  1. FishEye
  2. FE-2275

The folder link not consistent in the browser making the Watch feature takes no effect


      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Browse to Source -> <repo> -> <click on the folder name>
      2. Note that the URL on the browser did not synchronize with the folder selected but the URL of the 'Watch' link does show it correctly (screenshot-1)
      3. Click on the 'Watch' link does not take any effect (screenshot-1_result)
      4. Try to select one of the file in the folder and watch it. (screenshot-2)
      5. The file has been added successfully into the watches list (screenshot-2_result)
      6. Try to select the folder again. This time the URL on the browser does show it correctly (screenshot-3)
      7. Watch the folder take the effect now (screenshot-3_result)

        1. screenshot-1_result.JPG
          72 kB
          Chai Ying Chan [Atlassian]
        2. screenshot-1.JPG
          140 kB
          Chai Ying Chan [Atlassian]
        3. screenshot-2_result.JPG
          71 kB
          Chai Ying Chan [Atlassian]
        4. screenshot-2.JPG
          120 kB
          Chai Ying Chan [Atlassian]
        5. screenshot-3_result.JPG
          72 kB
          Chai Ying Chan [Atlassian]
        6. screenshot-3.JPG
          130 kB
          Chai Ying Chan [Atlassian]

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              cychan Chai Ying Chan [Atlassian]
              2 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
