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  1. Crowd Data Center
  2. CWD-5142

Allow Crowd to pull different Azure AD attributes


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      Problem Definition

      Currently, we basically link to Azure AD and let Azure do all the configuration. There's not much we do on the Crowd side. Because of this, when connecting to Azure AD, there is no option to configure Crowd to pull in a different attribute than the default.

      This option is available to other LDAP setups, however, when using Azure, the default attribute userPrincipalName has to be used. Using another attribute other than userPrincipalName is not currently easy to do, even though Microsoft allows for that to be set as an Alternate ID.

      Suggested Solution

      Allow Crowd to pull different Azure AD attributes.

      Why this is important

      Adding this function would allow customers to seamlessly switch from their current LDAP configurations to an Azure setup.


      In Crowd, you can set up an Alias but this is per-user and so can be tedious to configure it for every user

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mgomez@atlassian.com Manny
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