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  1. Crowd Data Center
  2. CWD-3044

Reduce logging during directory synchronization


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 2.6.1
    • 2.4.3
    • None
    • None
    • v4.3-SNAPSHOT#611-r141832

      Its looks like it is crowd embedded that actually does this. It looks like the logging is proportional to the number of groups. We don't need this much detail in the logs it will blow their size out of large LDAP directories. Admins of JIRA really don't care about these details. If they need to DEBUG performance problems then they should enable debugging rather than having it on by default. We should

      1. Get Crowd Embedded to drop these messages to DEBUG.

      We can (should?) keep around the "synchronisation" started and "synchronisation" finished logs when we fix this.

      For example, here is a sync with a small directory of ~ 10 users and ~ 5 groups.

      2011-02-09 12:17:53,308 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectory] full synchronisation for directory [ 10001 ] starting
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,327 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [directory.ldap.cache.RemoteDirectoryCacheRefresher] found [ 4 ] remote users in [ 19ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,328 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.j] scanning [ 4 ] users to add or update
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,328 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned and compared [ 4 ] users for update in DB cache in [ 1ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,328 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] synchronised [ 4 ] users in [ 1ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,329 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned and compared [ 4 ] users for delete in DB cache in [ 1ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,329 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned for deleted users in [ 1ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,347 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [directory.ldap.cache.RemoteDirectoryCacheRefresher] found [ 4 ] remote groups in [ 18ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,347 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanning [ 4 ] groups to add or update
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,348 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned and compared [ 4 ] groups for update in DB cache in [ 1ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,348 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] synchronized [ 4 ] groups in [ 1ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,348 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned and compared [ 4 ] groups for delete in DB cache in [ 0ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,384 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher] found [ 2 ] remote user-group memberships in [ 36ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,384 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned and compared [ 2 ] user members from [ jira-users-xx ] in [ 0ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,384 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher] found [ 0 ] remote group-group memberships in [ 0ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,385 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned and compared [ 0 ] group members from [ jira-users-xx ] in [ 1ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,410 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher] found [ 1 ] remote user-group memberships in [ 25ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,411 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned and compared [ 1 ] user members from [ little-admin ] in [ 1ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,411 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher] found [ 0 ] remote group-group memberships in [ 0ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,411 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned and compared [ 0 ] group members from [ little-admin ] in [ 0ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,447 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher] found [ 2 ] remote user-group memberships in [ 36ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,448 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned and compared [ 2 ] user members from [ jira-users ] in [ 0ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,448 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher] found [ 0 ] remote group-group memberships in [ 0ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,448 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned and compared [ 0 ] group members from [ jira-users ] in [ 0ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,462 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher] found [ 0 ] remote user-group memberships in [ 14ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,463 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned and compared [ 0 ] user members from [ testg1 ] in [ 0ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,463 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [directory.ldap.cache.AbstractCacheRefresher] found [ 0 ] remote group-group memberships in [ 0ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,463 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectoryCache] scanned and compared [ 0 ] group members from [ testg1 ] in [ 0ms ]
      2011-02-09 12:17:53,463 QuartzWorker-0 INFO ServiceRunner     [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteDirectory] synchronisation complete in [ 155ms ]

            jwalton joe
            bbain bain
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
