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  1. Crowd Data Center
  2. CWD-1944

Active flag on directory is not respected


      According to the documentation, the active flag on a directory should behave this way:

      • users in inactive directories will not be able to access mapped applications

      But at the moment, the flag is completely ignored by Crowd. Rather than fixing it to behave as above, for Embedded Crowd we need the directory active flag to behave this way:

      • inactive directories are not included when searching for users, groups or memberships
      • inactive directories are still displayed in the UI
      • inactive directories can be removed from application mappings.

      The following documentation will need to be updated when the behaviour changes:

            4c7409f97ecf James Wong
            matt@atlassian.com Matt Ryall
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
