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  1. Crowd Data Center
  2. CWD-1871

crowd creates log file and "plugins-temp" in Current Working Directory


      Although the crowd.home setting in crowd-init.properties has been made, Crowd will attempt to create the plugins-temp and atlassian-crowd.log in the Current Working Directory (CWD). This has 3 possible effects:

      1) at reboot, (on opensuse at least) tomcat happens to have /var/log/tomcat6 as CWD
      2) when starting manually, if you happen to be in a tomcat owned directory, the files are created there
      3) If in a non-tomcat owned directory, tomcat starts, but crowd gets all errory.

      Crowd should use the crowd.home setting for this, and preferably create a log directory just like Confluence.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              b6c67baabc67 Bert Laverman
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
