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  1. Crowd Data Center
  2. CWD-1585

Application "Users" tab does not show any users if one directory is unavailable


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 2.0
    • 2.0
    • Core features
    • None
    • Atlassian Crowd Version: 2.0-beta2 (Build:#401 - Jun 22, 2009)

      The new "Users" tab in application management currently shows am empty list of users if any one of the directories is unavailable, even if other directories are available and mapped to the application.

      Instead, perhaps the "Users" tab should show the error message from the unavailable directory. And perhaps it should list the users that are available in the available directories.

      To reproduce:

      • I currently have my "demo" app mapped to an internal directory and to Active Directory. My Active Directory is giving an error when I click the "Test Search" button on the directory "Configuration" tab. But on the application's "Users" tab I just see an empty list.
      • If I remove the mapping of Active Directory from my app but retain the internal directory, then the "Users" tab shows the list of users from the internal directory.

      BTW, the error I'm getting on my LDAP directory is as follows (in case this is useful for the above problem):

      No results were found from your search. [LDAP: error code 4 - Sizelimit Exceeded]; nested exception is javax.naming.SizeLimitExceededException: [LDAP: error code 4 - Sizelimit Exceeded]; remaining name 'dc=sydney,dc=atlassian,dc=com'

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