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Uploaded image for project: 'Crucible'
  1. Crucible
  2. CRUC-8477

Crucible should be able to anchor patches for files with revision "nonexistent", when there are already diffs for existing files in the patch

    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Crucible currently (4.8) cannot anchor a patch for a file with revision "nonexistent" which is a new file which has not been committed yet. It can, however anchor patches when the revision number is revision 0.

      Since there seems to have been a change in the way SVN (or Tortoise SVN) handles patches in newer SVN versions 1.9+ which are supported in modern versions of Crucible, we should be able to handle this case. (tortoisesvn - Unable to parse diff revision header 'non existent' in tortoise svn? - Stack Overflow

      More details

      In SVN 1.7 (and reportedly 1.8) such new files were delineated in the patch as below, being a diff with respect to revision 0, essentially:

      Index: path/to/file.ts
      — path/to/file.ts (revision 0)
      +++ path/to/file.ts (working copy)

      While on newer SVN versions the generated patch instead marks the file as nonexistent in the working copy, and Crucible is unable to draw an equivalence between this new notation and the previous revision 0 reference

      Index: path/to/file.ts
      — path/to/file.ts (nonexistent)
      +++ path/to/file.ts (working copy)


      Note, that it should only be able to anchor new files when the patch also contains diffs from existing files. A patch containing only new files will not be anchored.

      When trying to anchor a file, Crucible will search for matches in the files in its database. Crucible will analyze all the paths in the patch, find the branches containing all those paths, then anchor the patch to the trunk or the branch with the most recent commit activity - so the path needs to have already been committed.


      Manually replace nonexistent with revision 0 before uploading the patch, for example

       sed s/nonexistent/revision 0/

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Crucible'
            1. Crucible
            2. CRUC-8477

            Crucible should be able to anchor patches for files with revision "nonexistent", when there are already diffs for existing files in the patch

              • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

                Crucible currently (4.8) cannot anchor a patch for a file with revision "nonexistent" which is a new file which has not been committed yet. It can, however anchor patches when the revision number is revision 0.

                Since there seems to have been a change in the way SVN (or Tortoise SVN) handles patches in newer SVN versions 1.9+ which are supported in modern versions of Crucible, we should be able to handle this case. (tortoisesvn - Unable to parse diff revision header 'non existent' in tortoise svn? - Stack Overflow

                More details

                In SVN 1.7 (and reportedly 1.8) such new files were delineated in the patch as below, being a diff with respect to revision 0, essentially:

                Index: path/to/file.ts
                — path/to/file.ts (revision 0)
                +++ path/to/file.ts (working copy)

                While on newer SVN versions the generated patch instead marks the file as nonexistent in the working copy, and Crucible is unable to draw an equivalence between this new notation and the previous revision 0 reference

                Index: path/to/file.ts
                — path/to/file.ts (nonexistent)
                +++ path/to/file.ts (working copy)


                Note, that it should only be able to anchor new files when the patch also contains diffs from existing files. A patch containing only new files will not be anchored.

                When trying to anchor a file, Crucible will search for matches in the files in its database. Crucible will analyze all the paths in the patch, find the branches containing all those paths, then anchor the patch to the trunk or the branch with the most recent commit activity - so the path needs to have already been committed.


                Manually replace nonexistent with revision 0 before uploading the patch, for example

                 sed s/nonexistent/revision 0/

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        tathanassiadou Themis
                        2 Vote for this issue
                        5 Start watching this issue


                            Unassigned Unassigned
                            tathanassiadou Themis
                            2 Vote for this issue
                            5 Start watching this issue
