Resolution: Answered
Severity 3 - Minor
The Crucible.py CLI review creation tool throws an error when the client workspace containing a P4 repo is a sym link rather than a real path.
Failed to get a patch. Please make sure to call the script from an SCM directory with local changes, or pipe in some input. – Error
If your "Root"(client root) within "p4 client" is set to a sym-linked directory, which is also the current directory, when running crucible.py, the below error is seen. If you return to the normal directory and change your "Root" back to the normal directory to match, no error is observed.
Steps to Reproduce
- Set Client "Root" in "p4 client" to a sym-linked directory
- Run crucible.py from within the sym-linked dir
Expected Results
Root set to "/home/miwalker/fecru_training/p4_workspace" (real directory)
~/fecru_training/p4_workspace/repo1$ python crucible.py Crucible server: https://fecru.mycompany.com Crucible username: miwalker Please enter your Crucible password: Saved the default server URL https://fecru.mycompany.com to /home/miwalker/.atlassian/crucible.conf Saved an authentication token for https://fecru.mycompany.com to /home/miwalker/.atlassian/crucible.conf No matching FishEye repository detected Please choose a repository to anchor to, or press Enter to skip anchoring: Please specify a project to create the review in or an existing review id to add to [CR]: Please specify the review title: Please specify the review title: Please specify the review title: python cli testing Please specify a reviewer to be added to the review, or press Enter to continue: No reviewers added, review will be left in Draft state Created review CR-8 (state: Draft) - https://fecru.mycompany.com/cru/CR-8
Actual Results
Symlink info
/home/miwalker/p4/repo1 -> /home/miwalker/fecru_training/p4_workspace/repo1//
Python Version
Python 2.7.12
Root Set to "/home/miwalker/p4" (sym link path)
~/p4/repo1$ python crucible.py -d Crucible server: https://fecru.mycompany.com Crucible username: miwalker DEBUG:root:RestRequest: https://fecru.mycompany.com/rest-service-fecru/server-v1?FEAUTH=miwalker%3A2%3A++SANITIZED++ - {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'} - None DEBUG:root:RestResponse: {"timeZone":"America/Chicago","appHomeDir":"/opt/atlassian/fecru/4.5.3","appInstanceDir":"/var/atlassian/application-data/fecru","version":{"releaseNumber":"4.5.3","buildDate":"2018-03-21"},"isFishEye":true,"isCrucible":true} DEBUG:root:Connected successfully to https://fecru.mycompany.com - Crucible version 4.5.3 DEBUG:root:RestRequest: https://fecru.mycompany.com/rest/review-cli/1.0/version/updateCheck?version=cd9734cfa42c09f1490da7f4f8b99d65&FEAUTH=miwalker%3A2%3A++SANITIZED++ - {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'} - None DEBUG:root:RestResponse: {"isUpdateAvailable":false,"latestVersion":"cd9734cfa42c09f1490da7f4f8b99d65"} DEBUG:root:Checking <class '__main__.FileSource'>.is_active DEBUG:root:Checking <class '__main__.StdInSource'>.is_active DEBUG:root:Checking <class '__main__.HgSource'>.is_active DEBUG:root:Checking <class '__main__.GitSource'>.is_active DEBUG:root:Checking <class '__main__.SvnSource'>.is_active DEBUG:root:Checking <class '__main__.CvsSource'>.is_active DEBUG:root:Trying to execute (['cvs', 'status'],) DEBUG:root:Error executing, exit code 1 stdout= stderr=cvs status: No CVSROOT specified! Please use the `-d' option cvs [status aborted]: or set the CVSROOT environment variable. DEBUG:root:Checking <class '__main__.P4Source'>.is_active DEBUG:root:Trying to execute (['p4'],) DEBUG:root:Finished executing, exit code 0 stdout= Perforce -- the Fast Software Configuration Management System. p4 is Perforce's client tool for the command line. Try: p4 help simple list most common commands p4 help commands list all standard commands p4 help command help on a specific command p4 help administration help on specialized administration topics p4 help charset help on character set translation p4 help configurables list server configuration variables p4 help environment list environment and registry variables p4 help filetypes list supported file types p4 help jobview help on jobview syntax p4 help networkaddress help on network address syntax p4 help revisions help on specifying file revisions p4 help streamintro introduction to streams p4 help usage generic command line arguments p4 help views help on view syntax p4 help replication help on specialized replication topics p4 help dvcs help on decentralized Perforce configurations p4 help legal legal and license information The full user manual is available at https://www.perforce.com/support/self-service-resources/documentation Server 2018.1/1660568. stderr= DEBUG:root:Trying to execute (['p4', 'info'],) DEBUG:root:Finished executing, exit code 0 stdout=User name: miwalker Client name: Atlassian-156 Client host: Atlassian-156 Client root: /home/miwalker/p4 Current directory: /home/miwalker/p4/repo1 Peer address: Client address: Server address: localhost:1666 Server root: . Server date: 2018/06/19 16:55:05 -0500 CDT Server uptime: 01:20:37 Server version: P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2018.1/1660568 (2018/05/09) Server license: none Case Handling: sensitive stderr= DEBUG:root:p4info: {'Client name': 'Atlassian-156', 'Client root': '/home/miwalker/p4', 'Server version': 'P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2018.1/1660568 (2018/05/09)', 'Client address': '', 'Server root': '.', 'Server uptime': '01:20:37', 'Server address': 'localhost:1666', 'User name': 'miwalker', 'Server license': 'none', 'Case Handling': 'sensitive', 'Current directory': '/home/miwalker/p4/repo1', 'Client host': 'Atlassian-156', 'Peer address': '', 'Server date': '2018/06/19 16:55:05 -0500 CDT'} Failed to get a patch. Please make sure to call the script from an SCM directory with local changes, or pipe in some input.
Set Client Root back to real path and run crucible.py from real path