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  1. Crucible
  2. CRUC-7719

Close Review action quickly shows "You are not authorized to make the requested state change"





      Whenever closing a review, if there are other reviews that may need closing, and if they are linked to a JIRA issue, this window comes up:

      In this screen, before showing the fields that allow transitioning the JIRA issue, the message "You are not authorized to make the requested state change" gets wrongly displayed for a split second. Two wrong behaviors:

      1. The user hasn't even tried yet to request the state change in the JIRA issue. He has just clicked the Close button in the review.
      2. The JIRA project uses the default permission scheme, so the user logged in is in fact allowed to perform that action.

      Debug logging + Network Traffic have been enabled in FishEye and the resulting log file has been attached to this bug report. JIRA logs don't report anything.


      • FishEye / Crucible 4.0.3
      • JIRA Software 7.1.6

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an application link between FishEye / Crucible and JIRA
      2. Ensure that the application link uses only OAuth for authentication (and the default OAuth settings)
      3. Ensure that the OAuth token has been created in both sides, allowing to see details from one instance in the other instance
      4. Ensure to be using the default project permissions in JIRA side
      5. Ensure to be using the default permission scheme in Crucible side
      6. Create two Crucible reviews and link them to the same JIRA issue
      7. Click "Close" in any of the reviews
      8. Notice that, for a split second, the message "You are not authorized to make the requested state change" comes up, then gets replaced by the JIRA issue fields.

      Expected Results

      • That message should not be shown before requesting a state change
      • That message should be shown only if the user logged in lacks permission to perform the state change in JIRA side

      Actual Results

      For a split second, the message "You are not authorized to make the requested state change" comes up, then gets replaced by the JIRA issue fields.


        1. atlassian-fisheye-2016-05-09.log
          144 kB
          Felipe Kraemer
        2. Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 5.29.37 PM.png
          104 kB
          Felipe Kraemer



            Unassigned Unassigned
            fkraemer Felipe Kraemer
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

