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  1. Crucible
  2. CRUC-6257

Unable to rename / delete Permission Scheme with special characters


      If you create a Permission Scheme named, for example, permission+scheme, you cannot rename neither delete it.

      This is thrown in the debug logs when I try to rename it:

      2012-10-31 14:19:49,098 DEBUG [btpool0-5 ] fisheye.perf ProfilingServletFilter-logRequest - start request GET /admin/editPermScheme.do?name=permission%20scheme sessionid=tm6cgnn162j5b9bd72almrah
      2012-10-31 14:19:49,112 ERROR [btpool0-5 ] fisheye.app EditPermSchemeAction-getActions - Permission Scheme not found: permission scheme
      2012-10-31 14:19:49,131 DEBUG [btpool0-5 ] fisheye.perf ProfilingServletFilter-logRequest - end request GET /admin/editPermScheme.do?name=permission%20scheme sessionid=tm6cgnn162j5b9bd72almrah
      2012-10-31 14:19:53,954 DEBUG [btpool0-5 ] fisheye.perf ProfilingServletFilter-logRequest - start request POST /admin/renamePermScheme.do?oldPSName=permission%20scheme&newPSName=permission%20scheme sessionid=tm6cgnn162j5b9bd72almrah
      2012-10-31 14:19:53,979 DEBUG [btpool0-5 ] fisheye.perf ProfilingServletFilter-logRequest - end request POST /admin/renamePermScheme.do?oldPSName=permission%20scheme&newPSName=permission%20scheme sessionid=tm6cgnn162j5b9bd72almrah

      It says it could not find the permission scheme.

      This is thrown in the debug logs when I try to delete it:

      2012-10-31 14:19:07,878 DEBUG [btpool0-5 ] fisheye.perf ProfilingServletFilter-logRequest - start request GET /admin/listPermSchemes.do sessionid=tm6cgnn162j5b9bd72almrah
      2012-10-31 14:19:07,908 DEBUG [btpool0-5 ] fisheye.perf ProfilingServletFilter-logRequest - end request GET /admin/listPermSchemes.do sessionid=tm6cgnn162j5b9bd72almrah
      2012-10-31 14:19:10,248 DEBUG [btpool0-5 ] fisheye.perf ProfilingServletFilter-logRequest - start request GET /admin/deletePermScheme.do?name=permission%20scheme sessionid=tm6cgnn162j5b9bd72almrah
      2012-10-31 14:19:10,277 DEBUG [btpool0-5 ] fisheye.perf ProfilingServletFilter-logRequest - end request GET /admin/deletePermScheme.do?name=permission%20scheme sessionid=tm6cgnn162j5b9bd72almrah

      No ERROR message, only start / end requests.

      This can be seen in the web interface when I try to rename it or delete it:

      Edit the permission scheme name directly in the database.
      Please shutdown your FishEye/Crucible instance and create a safety backup of your database before running the following SQL queries:

      1. Search for the permission scheme ID:
        SELECT * FROM cru_perm_scheme;
      2. Annotate the value of the cru_ps_id column corresponding to the problematic permission scheme name. Supposing that the value is 10:
      3. Rename the permission scheme:
        UPDATE cru_perm_scheme SET cru_name = 'MyPermissionSchemeName' WHERE cru_ps_id = 10

        Please replace MyPermissionSchemeName in the query above by a name of your choice, without special characters.

      4. Start the FishEye / Crucible instance again.

        1. permission_scheme.jpg
          18 kB
          Felipe Kraemer

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            fkraemer Felipe Kraemer
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