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  1. Crucible
  2. CRUC-6093

Crucible Gadgets do not work, because they are not respecting site url setting of fisheye


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • 2.7.11, 2.10.4
    • Integrations
    • None

      Three of the Fisheye/Crucible gadgets are automatically added to JIRA Gadget Directory, when you create an application link between JIRA and Fisheye. That is "Crucible Charts", "FishEye Charts" and "FishEye Recent Changesets". They work perfectly.
      Four other available Crucible Gadgets, i have to add manually to JIRA, via "Add Gadget to Directory" function. These gadgets are "To Do Gadget", "Hassle Gadget", "Overdue Reviews Gadget" and "Review Coverage".
      The problem arises, if due to network constraints, domain for communication between Fisheye and JIRA differs from the domain that has to be used for connecting via browser.
      Let's say Fisheye's internal network domain is fisheye.exampledmz.com and JIRA's is jira.exampledmz.com. The domain to be used to open UI via browser is fisheye.example.com and jira.example.com.
      When i want to add e.g. hassle plugin via "Add Gadget to Directory" function, i have to use "http://fisheye.exampledmz.com/rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.atlassian.fecru.fecru-gadgets-plugin:overdueReviews/gadgets/hassle.xml" to successfully add the gadget to the directory. If i now add this gadget to the dashboard, it is empty, because all of the http requests which are started by it, are directed to domain "http://fisheye.exampledmz.com" instead of "http://fisheye.example.com", which is configured as "site url" in admin section of fisheye.

        1. hassle_gadget_empty.jpg
          14 kB
          Michael Virnstein

              Unassigned Unassigned
              764d4141674a Michael Virnstein
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