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  1. Crucible
  2. CRUC-5138

Add an offline command to optimize the indexes


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.5.2
    • Search
    • None
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Note: this command is now not supported in FishEye 2.5 as it is error-prone when someone does not know the FishEye directory layout. Instead you should consider using FE-3457 in FishEye 2.6

      One of the missing options in the support toolbox is the ability to optimise the indexes of a FishEye instance.

      The issue(s) with unoptimized indexes are that:

      • deleted entries will not be purged until the optimisation is performed, which have some performance impact when users with many repositories drop a large number of them (see CRC-2107)
      • unoptimised indexes are slower for searching
      • and unoptimised indexes are larger (which, as Brendan remarked, results in larger backup zips)

      However, optimising is not trivial as it can double the number of opened files during optimisation, (link, if any IndexReader is opened during the optimisation step (which will happen if done inline, unless we block users to use the QuickNav or QuickSearch while the optimisation is being performed). So for this reason, I am implementing this as an offline FishEye command.

      Iteration 2 would be to try to see if this can safely execute within a FishEye instance, for example as a Quartz job with an admin option to setup the time when it runs (with a default of 3am for example). Potentially this could do only a partial optimisation (possible with IndexWriter.optimize(maxSegmentToMerge)) and/or with limiting the memory size with setRAMBufferSizeMB(double).

            pepoirot Pierre-Etienne Poirot (Inactive)
            pepoirot Pierre-Etienne Poirot (Inactive)
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