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  1. Crucible
  2. CRUC-2306

Creating review from Jira Fisheye plugin's fisheye issue tab panel - need to be able to include all related changesets (beyond max changesets)


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Using Jira Fisheye plugin version 2.5 against Fisheye/Crucible 2.0.3. Currently, a link is displayed on the fisheye issue tab panel to "Create crucible review for all xxx changesets in yyyyy" (where yyyyy is the name of the repository).

      When the number of related commits exceeds the "max changesets per project" setting, links for the additional changesets will appear at the bottom of the tab, identified by "More related changesets:" In the link to create a crucible review, however, the number displayed in "xxx changesets" never exceeds the max changesets per project. As a result, it's impossible to create a code review that contains all of the related changesets. One can only create a code review containing the first xxx changesets (where xxx is the max).

      Attached screenshot shows a situation where max is set to 5 and there are actually 13 changesets related to the issue. Here, the user cannot create a code review with all 13 changesets.

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            81035e918722 DaveT
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