Resolution: Fixed
2.5.7, 2.6.2
Conlfuence 2.5.7 Standalone
IE 7.0.5730.11
MS Office version 2003/2007
There is a problem opening the hyperlinks from the word as users get directed to a permission violation to view page error.
Steps to reproduce:
- Open up a word doc and insert a link to Confluence space/page for example - http://localhost:8070/display/ATL/Home, save the doc.
- Once that link is clicked they are presented with a login screen, after entering their credentials they are taken to the page associated with the link they have clicked.
- If that person is to now click the link again or any other Confluence link they are taken to the permission denied page.
- If the person has Confluence open prior to clicking the link in the document then they are directed straight to the access denied page.
Happens in both IE7 and Firefox. Please see the attached screen shots.
- causes
CONFSERVER-14641 Redirect that works in 2.9 is broken in later Confluence versions
- Closed
- is caused by
CONFSERVER-13053 login.action does not handle ?os_destination parameters in a graceful fashion if the user is already logged in.
- Closed
- is duplicated by
CONFSERVER-11363 wiki hyperlink from PowerPoint presentation doesn't work
- Closed
CONFSERVER-15014 Failed to open a link when already log in and if there are restrictions on the page
- Closed