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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-93559

TinyMCE Code causing Nested Spans from Copy and Paste


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • 9.0.0
    • 7.19.16, 8.5.3, 8.5.4, 7.19.17, 8.7.2, 8.5.6, 7.19.21, 8.5.11
    • Editor - Core

      23 July 2024 Update

      We have a fix ready for this issue that will clean up the redundant nested span tags on editor load (provided there is only 1 user in the edit session) and on copy/pasting content. As the fix involved upgrading TinyMCE (a library that powers the Confluence editor) across several major versions to 7.2.0, we are only going to release the fix in the upcoming Confluence 9.0.0 for now and will evaluate the possibility of backporting the change to the Confluence 8.5.x LTS stream.

      Note that a separate but related improvement was made as part of CONFSERVER-54754: Page with excessive nested span tags causes Synchrony to stop working (fixed in Confluence Data Center 8.4.0, 7.19.15) that has already been backported to LTS releases.

      Issue Summary

      Nested spans still created in some scenarios even after CONFSERVER-54754 patch causing a stack overflow for Synchrony. According to development this is a bug in TinyMCE code that needs to be fixed by TinyMCE.

      Steps to Reproduce

      Reproduction steps vary.

      Expected Results

      Confluence should flatten nested spans.

      Actual Results

      Nested spans are allowed and cause a stack overflow for Synchrony


      1. Install Confluence Source Code Editor
      2. Edit the page, then click the Source Editor icon to edit the page source
      3. Search for the stack of nested tags
      4. Once identified, remove all nested <span></span> tags between the <p> and </p> tags
      5. Save Page

      Alternately, the remove formatting editor option can be used to strip out all the formatting including these span tags.

            nbhawnani Niraj Bhawnani
            caronson Cole Aronson
            46 Vote for this issue
            71 Start watching this issue
