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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-9239

"Page not found" (404) is displayed to users without view permissions, should be "Access denied"


      When a user doesn't have view permission to view a space, he/she receives 404 page when accessing URLs from this space.

      This is a bad UI design. Instead an "Access denied" error should be displayed to communicate clearly what the user needs to do to resolve the problem (request for space permissions).

      When a user tries access a page with page level restrictions, and this user is not authorized to view the page, an "Access Denied" error is displayed. This is exactly this same behavior that should be used when user doesn't have space level permissions.

              cmiller CharlesA
              15d9a6950818 Igor Minar
              3 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
