Issue Summary
Confluence application logs atlassian-confluence.log are rolling over at:
- 10 MB
- Retaining a maximum of atlassian-confluence.log.1
This is reproducible on Data Center: Yes
Steps to Reproduce
- Install an affected Confluence version
- Perform an operation with high logging activity
- e.g. enable org.apache.http
- Continually reload the Confluence Administration » Manage Apps page
Expected Results
The log files will abide by the configuration, e.g: default settings are:
- Roll over at 20480KB
- Retain up to 5 files
Actual Results
- Only two files are retained, atlassian-confluence.log.1 and atlassian-confluence.log
- Each file is rolling at a maximum of 10MB
- Edit <confluence-install>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/
- Comment out the and burstFilterAppender related lines (located at the very bottom of the file) by adding a leading # character as such:
# Appender that burst limits log messages #log4j.appender.burstFilterAppender=com.atlassian.confluence.logging.ConfluenceHomeLogAppender #log4j.appender.burstFilterAppender.Threshold=ALL #log4j.appender.burstFilterAppender.layout=com.atlassian.confluence.util.PatternLayoutWithContext #log4j.appender.burstFilterAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p [%t] [%c{4}] %M %m%n #log4j.appender.burstFilterAppender.filter.1=com.atlassian.confluence.impl.logging.filter.BurstFilter #log4j.appender.burstFilterAppender.filter.1.Level=WARN #log4j.appender.burstFilterAppender.filter.1.Rate=0.5 #log4j.appender.burstFilterAppender.filter.1.MaxBurst=5, burstFilterAppender
- Comment out the and burstFilterAppender related lines (located at the very bottom of the file) by adding a leading # character as such:
- Restart the Confluence instance for the change to take effect
If you run Confluence in a cluster, make sure you apply the above changes on all of your nodes (one at a time).
- relates to
CONFSERVER-91550 Log4j is not correctly rotating the atlassian-confluence.log file in the Windows environment since Confluence version 7.19.12.
- Ready for Development
A fix for this issue is available in Confluence Data Center 8.6.1.
Upgrade now or check out the Release Notes to see what other issues are resolved.