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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-8983

Excerpt-include macro does not display images.


      When using the excerpt-include macro to display a portion of a page, images in the excerpted portion of the page are not displayed. If the entire page is included, the images appear with no problem.
      I've included markup for 2 pages I created in the demonstration space to illustrate the problem:

      --------Example With Excerpt---------
      A sentence before the excerpt.
      A sentence in the excerpt, followed by an image - also in the excerpt.
      !Confluence Overview^harbour.jpg!\\ 
      A sentence after the excerpt.
      -----end of page------
      -------Including Content---------
      *The following content includes an excerpt containing and image from of another page.*
      {excerpt-include:Example With Excerpt|nopanel=true}
      *The following content includes the entire content of the same page.*
      {include:Example With Excerpt}
      -----end of page------

      I'm migrating our company's content from TWiki to Confluence and we have many pages with status sections having icons that are displayed on other pages. I can break these sections out into separate pages, but they would be annoying for the users to maintain.

            agnes@atlassian.com Agnes Ro
            7a6507fe1858 Ruth Inman
            13 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
