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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-83912

Indexing of new content stops working after site restore


      Issue Summary

      This is reproducible on Data Center: yes

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Generate site backup (doesn't matter whether it's from old (prior 8.3.0) or new backup system)
      2. Go to General configuration -> Backup and restore
      3. Restore site from the backup (preferably at the same instance)
      4. Check that content could be found
      5. Create new page
      6. Try to search for that page

      Expected Results

      Page could be found without additional actions

      Actual Results

      There is a big chance that page will not be indexed as it's journal entry id is smaller than what was set as a maximum id before restore:

      11:08:51,097 WARN [http-nio-8080-exec-5 url: /confluence/pages/createpage.action; user: admin] [impl.journal.DefaultJournalManager] enqueue Newly enqueued entry in journal [main_index] has an ID [1] that should have been higher than the journal state store's most-recent-id [52]. it is likely that this node's journal state store is corrupt.
       -- url: /confluence/pages/createpage.action | userName: admin | action: createpage | referer: http://localhost:8080/confluence/ | traceId: 6e426cb004c74b19


      Stop Confluence, delete all content from <confluence-home>/journal table. Start Confluence again - full re-index will be done after that.

              d5dce7b13926 agawron
              03cb0c04aa4f Irina Tiapchenko
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