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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-8020

Missing context on indexing exceptions / errors


      I am filing this as a bug as the information provided by the exceptions are next to useless from a system administration perspective. This is an extension of CONF-7878 as there are other areas where context being added would be very useful - e.g. in indexing exceptions, which only sometimes tell me which file, and never tell me the CEO id. Here is an example where I haven't got either:

      2007-03-09 12:31:17,057 ERROR [com.atlassian.confluence.search.lucene.ConfluenceMultiThreadedIndexer: 2] [bonnie.search.extractor.MsPowerpointContentExtractor] processPOIFSReaderEvent Looks like an invalid size? 2344066126

      This one has the file name, but I have no idea where to start looking for it:

      2007-03-09 14:20:50,293 ERROR [com.atlassian.confluence.search.lucene.ConfluenceMultiThreadedIndexer: 9] [bonnie.search.extractor.BaseAttachmentContentExtractor] addFields Error indexing attachment (richtlijnen-licht-letsel.pdf): Error getting content of PDF document

      I get this following error a lot too, which is incredibly unuseful - it's only by chance that I've figured out that it's indexing related to POI processed files:

      [WARNING] Unknown Ptg 3d (61)

            alynch Andrew Lynch (Inactive)
            dhardiker Dan Hardiker
            3 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
