Resolution: Answered
NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.
Almost all macros would benefit, for example from a parameter called 'context' or 'root' which lets you indicate which page you want the macro to execute from.
{include:root=pagename}(default parameter)
{toc:root=pagename}(not a current parameters, but would be nice)
{metadata-report:root=pagename}(current parameter)
Currently, all macros would have to re-implement this feature, and many do, and often give a different name. If confluence provided a $rootcontext variable to the macros, which was loaded from a standard 'root' or 'context' parameter, it would enforce standardization.
Other candidates for standardized 'global' parameters can be found on a page in the confluence extensions section, written by either Guy Fraser or David Peterson, but I couldn't find it right now. I'll list a few here:
pages - takes a well-written query language that allows macros to simply recieve a list of pages on which to perform their action (such as a $pages collection), but without each macro having to re-invent or re-implement a (different) query language. It could take:
- list of specific pages, or space:pages, with a standard delimiter ( ; ? )
- wildcards or regular expressions to indicate a group of pages by name
- perhaps keywords or symbols like @children, @parent of the current page
- space key designations
- as the 'parser' changes or becomes more sophisticated, existing macros woudl all benefit from these changes because they simply use the $pages collection.
labels - same as above: sets $pages to a set of pages that satify a 'label query', with () for nesting and some operators for and/or/not ( + , ! )
scope - descendents, ancestors, space, site, children, parent, self - specifies dynamic scope relative to the 'pages' option, or might be incorporated in the pages query language
query - uses the built in query language, i.e "title:My Page* AND author:james") to retrieve a set of pages for the macro's operation
style - specify a direct CSS style for this tag. These could then, in theory, be filterd by a per site configuration for all macros
css - specify a css class. likewise, could then be manipulated / translate site-wide for all macros
output - wiki / table / html / text (specified how output sould be rendered in page context after macro returns results)
input - wiki / table / html / text (specified how input should be rendered before passed to $body for macro plugin)
There are no doubt others that could be used. This request is for Atlassian to put in place the framework to support these 'global macro parameters'.
- is related to
CONFSERVER-6980 Automatically rename page references by edit-include and metadata plugin on page name change
- Closed
- relates to
CONFCLOUD-7952 Create a set of useful global macro parameters which macro developers can use without re-inventing
- Closed