Resolution: Unresolved
7.16.3, 7.17.1, 7.17.2, 8.0.2
Severity 2 - Major
Issue Summary
Confluence default installation on Windows creates ${localHome} directories inside <Confluence-installation-directory>
This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes)
Steps to Reproduce
- Install Confluence (we tested with v7.16.3 or v7.17.1 or v7.17.2 DC or Server) on Windows
- ${localHome} directories are created inside installation directory even if the home directories path are all correct with proper permissions ( screenshots attached for reference )
Expected Results
${localHome} directories should not get created.
Actual Results
${localHome} directories are created.
- Stop Confleunce
- Edit <Confluence-home-directory>/confluence.cfg.xml and change the forward slash to backward slash for the below properties and save the file
<property name="lucene.index.dir">${localHome}/index</property> <property name="webwork.multipart.saveDir">${localHome}/temp</property>
After changing it should be like -
<property name="lucene.index.dir">${localHome}\index</property> <property name="webwork.multipart.saveDir">${localHome}\temp</property>
- Also ensure that <property name="attachments.dir">${confluenceHome}\attachments</property> should also be having backslash
- Go to <Confluence-installation-directory> and delete that ${localHome} which was created.
- Start Confleunce and Navigate to Confluence Admin > Content Indexing and click "Rebuild"
- mentioned in
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