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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-78713

Add inline comment : Screen reader user unable to access the add inline comment feature.


      Issue Summary

      The assistive technology user is not able to add an inline comment on the content of the page. 

      Screen recording

      2022-05-09 17-38-37.mkv

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Launch the URL
      2. In the main content area of the page, keep the screen reader on select some content of the page and try to select the comment popup element to add a comment.

      Actual Results

      In the main content area of the page, a user using a mouse when selecting the content of the page gets an option to add an inline comment on the line. When the screen reader tries to select some content there is no option to add a comment. This will make the assistive technology user unaware of the feature available.

      Expected Results

      When the screen reader selects the content, the button to add an inline comment should be announced to the user.

      A keyboard shortcut could be given to the user to enable add comment modal after selecting some content.

      Once the focus is in the add comment modal the focus should not move outside the modal. 

      This will make the feature more accessible and the assistive technology person could use it.


      Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            607d03f48037 Kostiantyn Smolenskyi (Inactive)
            2b3f463b7e2d Akhilesh Paradhi (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
