Resolution: Fixed
The WYSIWYG editor adds lots of double-backslashes (Confluence new-lines) in order to preserve formatting. This is pretty ugly, even if it doesn't mess up the markup.
For example, someone entered a table in the wiki editor like this:
{metadata-list} || Author(s) | Your Name(s) Here | || Genre | Word/Card/Shooter/God Sim/etc. | || Multiplayer | No/Optional/Only | || Engineering Risk | Low/Medium/High/Extreme | || Production Risk | Low/Medium/High/Extreme | || Requires Licensed IP | Yes/No | {metadata-list}
When someone edited the page with WYSYWIG we got the following result:
{metadata-list} || Author(s) | Joe Blow\\ || || Genre | Match 3\\ || || Multiplayer | Optional || || Engineering Risk | Low || || Production Risk | Medium \\ || || Requires Licensed IP | No || {metadata-list} \\
There are lots of double backslashes throughout the text, which makes editing in the wiki editor afterwards difficult.
- is incorporated by
CONFSERVER-6992 Markup umbrella issue - errors switching between modes or rendering escaped content
- Closed
- is related to
CONFSERVER-16493 Increasing backslashes in table cells
- Closed