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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-7545

GUI-problems when accessing restricted pages to antoher user with admin


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • 2.2.10
    • None

      Here are GUI-problem that concern admins. It has something to do with the tabs. (i am using space-admin and conf-admin exclusiv)

      1. A user restrictes the page write access to "me" (that user). All confluence-admins and space-admins should edit the page nethertheless. But logged in as an admin no edit-tab could be seen any more. However you can direct link to the edit page by using the url. The edit-tab should be shown!

      2. Second case a user restrictes the page read access to "me". This does also restrictes the write-access with the problem above. A conf-admin could still see this page, thats correct. But a space-admin get the no-access-permission-msg. Although a space-admin can directly access editpage with the url.

      3. In continue to 2. look at "edit page" as an admin when read-restriction is set to another user. At the part "page restrictions" and there "read". There is no radio-button marked. Looking at write restriction (when it is set to another user). There the user with the right appears marked with a radio-button. There should be the same behaviour with the read-restriction.


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