AppFusions' Kerberos SSO Authenticator for AD & Atlassian Servers solution supports Confluence, JIRA, Crowd, FishEye, Crucible, Bamboo, SVN as of this writing. It was first released in June 2011 and continually supported since, through dozens of Atlassian version releases (esp. JIRA and Confluence; the others came later).
Deployed, the Kerberos SSO over HTTP authentication flow is as follows:
- User gets a Kerberos ticket from Active Directory during Windows login to a domain joined PC.
- With a Kerberos-enabled browser (MSIE, Chrome, and Firefox), the user accesses an Atlassian web application protected by the AppFusions Kerberos SSO Authenticator.
- The AppFusions Kerberos SSO Authenticator denies access to the browser with a 401 response and negotiates with the browser to use Kerberos for authentication or fall back to basic authentication if Kerberos is not possible.
- If Kerberos is negotiated, the web browser gets a service ticket from a domain controller for authentication.
- The web browser sends the service ticket to the AppFusions Kerberos SSO Authenticator for validation with a domain controller.
- Upon service ticket validation, the AppFusions Kerberos SSO Authenticator uses Atlassian Seraph to log the user into the Atlassian web application.
Flow diagram is here. Contact
for more information. Many many references, successes, renewals, upgrades.
AppFusions' Kerberos SSO Authenticator for AD & Atlassian Servers solution supports Confluence, JIRA, Crowd, FishEye, Crucible, Bamboo, SVN as of this writing. It was first released in June 2011 and continually supported since, through dozens of Atlassian version releases (esp. JIRA and Confluence; the others came later).
Deployed, the Kerberos SSO over HTTP authentication flow is as follows:
Flow diagram is here. Contact
for more information. Many many references, successes, renewals, upgrades.