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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-7223

Color macro unstable near links in rich text editor


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 2.10
    • 2.2.10, 2.8.1
    • None
    • Apache Tomcat/5.5.15, SUN JDK 1.5

      Charles Peguine writes:

      When I write the code below and I preview or view with Rich, I get an external link with the green arrow to www.ingredia.com.

      * {color:#000000}{*}{-}{+}Ingredia{+}{-}{*}{color}
      ** {color:#000000}31/5 CP:[Ingredia|http://www.ingredia.com] is a R&D firm specialized in dairy products. They are developing a 
      chocolate milk for TARA (Israeli company) enriched in with Ca and Vit D. Tara instructed them to use our TCC M5.  Mrs 
      Tual was informed that TCC + hydrocoloids in chocolate milk might not work well so she will also receive a sample of GK. Next 
      week she will call me with more info ( + 33 (0) 3 21 23 80 00){color}

      After I save the above, I dont get an external link but this [Ingredia|http://www.ingredia.com] instead. When I edit the wiki markup again I see that the orginal code as above has changed to this:

      * {color:#000000}{*}{-}{+}Ingredia{+}{-}{*}{color}
      ** {color:#000000}31/5 CP:{color}{color:#000000}\[{color}{color:#000000}Ingredia{color}\|http://www.ingredia.com\] {color:}is a R&D
       firm specialized in dairy products. They are developing a chocolate milk for TARA (Israeli company) enriched in with Ca and Vit 
      D. Tara instructed them to use our TCC M5.  Mrs Tual was informed that TCC + hydrocoloids in chocolate milk might not 
      work well so she will also receive a sample of GK. Next week she will call me with more info ( + 33 (0) 3 21 23 80 00){color}

      Do you have any idea why the code is not stable?

      It is very very anoying because we cannot use the links which are a central feature of any wiki.

            don.willis@atlassian.com Don Willis
            matt@atlassian.com Matt Ryall
            18 Vote for this issue
            14 Start watching this issue
