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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-60290

Using the API endpoint /rest/masterdetail/1.0/detailssummary/lines?cql= is broken since Confluence 7.7.+ and confluence-masterdetail-plugin-5.3.10.jar


      Issue Summary

      The API endpoint /rest/masterdetail/1.0/detailssummary/lines is on, onger wqorking after upgrading to Confluence 7.7.+

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Add a page properties macro to a page
      2. Add a page properties report macro to a page
      3. Call the API endpoint above
      4. Notice the following error:
        call: <HOST>/rest/masterdetail/1.0/detailssummary/lines?cql=label=<labelname>&spaceKey=<SPACEKEY>
            "errorCode": 500,
            "errorType": "UNKNOWN"

      Expected Results

          "currentPage": 0,
          "totalPages": 1,
          "renderedHeadings": [
          "detailLines": [
                  "id": 655371,
                  "title": "Test page",
                  "relativeLink": "/display/TS/Test+page",
                  "details": [
                      "Task 1",
                      "User A"
                  "likesCount": -1,
                  "commentsCount": -1
          "asyncRenderSafe": true

      Actual Results

          "errorCode": 500,
          "errorType": "UNKNOWN"

      The below exception is thrown in the xxxxxxx.log file:



      1. Pass query parameter "contentId" along with the rest request, where the contentId equals the id of the page with the report on it.
      2. Upgrade Confluence to 7.7.4
      3. Alternatively, upgrade the plugin directly to confluence-masterdetail-plugin-5.3.11.jar
      4. Shutdown Confluence
      5. Go to <conf-install>/confluence/WEB-INF/atlassian-bundled-plugins/
      6. Backup and delete confluence-masterdetail-plugin-5.3.10.jar
      7. Check the following directories for cached copies of the plugin and delete if found
        1. <conf-home>/bundled-plugins/
        2. <conf-home>/plugin-cache/
      8. Download new version from this link: confluence-masterdetail-plugin-5.3.11.jar
      9. Copy the JAR file to <conf-install>/confluence/WEB-INF/atlassian-bundled-plugins/
      10. Start Confluence

            aknight@atlassian.com Alex K
            dmark@atlassian.com Danny (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
