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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-60289

Adding a Page Properties Report macro to the same page containing a Page Properties macro results in an error


      Issue Summary

      Page Properties Reports macro can no longer be placed on the same page as the 'Page Properties' macro using the bundled plugin confluence-masterdetail-plugin-5.3.10.jar

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install or upgrade to Confluence 7.7.x
      2. Create a page and place a Page Properties macro on the page
      3. Add a Page Properties Report to the same page referencing the label from the page
      4. Save
      5. Notice the following error:
        We can't display a report when the property passed to the report is the report itself.

      Expected Results

      Page Properties Reports should be shown as in previous Confluence versions up to 7.6.+

      Actual Results

      An error is is shown for the Page Properties Report macro:

      We can't display a report when the property passed to the report is the report itself
      2020-09-17 15:06:20,557 ERROR [pool-15-thread-2] [confluence.extra.masterdetail.DetailsSummaryBuilder] renderDetailRows Cannot render report which requests report line of the same page as original report, for report id db78ef80-2637-4ce4-ab69-40766affd3c6 and thread id f9b1bb23-e2b9-4438-b2bb-d06d5e0aa7e1 and render map {db78ef80-2637-4ce4-ab69-40766affd3c6=NESTED_RECURSION}
      -- url: /c773/display/TS/Page+Properties | page: 327693 | traceId: f08a869484ef29cd | userName: admin | referer: http://localhost:6773/c773/display/TS/Page+Properties | action: viewpage

      Using the /rest/masterdetail/1.0/detailssummary/lines?cql=... endpoint is also broken where it used to work in 7.6.+ but in case it's not related a new bug will be created.


      No known workaround.

            aknight@atlassian.com Alex K
            dmark@atlassian.com Danny (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
