
    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Duplicate
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    • We collect Confluence feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      I know this sort of defeats the purpose of a wiki, but it would enable us to still use it for producing "official" documents.

      Many corporate project sites that have document management (eRoom to name one) also have a downloadable plugin (standalone program) for handling documents that runs on the users computer. What this plugin essentially does is:

      • When the user clicks a link to a document it downloads it and opens it (Word/Excel etc)
      • The document is locked for concurrent editing
      • When the document is closed the plugin checks if it has been edited, if so it will display a box asking if you wish to upload the change and write a comment.

      We use Confluence for a lot of things in our company, but for producing official documentation that we send to our clients it doesn't cut it. I am a big fan of not storing stuff in Word documents but on the Wiki for easy editing and reading. BUT it's too big of a hassle making it work in Word later on if it's all written on the Wiki. Therefore such a feature would enable us to have all the informal info and notes on the Wiki but still working on the offical doc as attachments.

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              5f812f8b3a50 Anders Sveen
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