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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-58861

Turning on profiling has no effect on generated logging


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Low Low
    • 7.4.10, 7.12.1
    • 7.0.1, 7.1.0, 7.2.2, 7.4.0, 7.5.0, 7.6.0
    • Server - Platform

      Issue Summary

      Enabling profiling has no effect on logging in Confluence 7.0.1.


      Confluence 7.0.1

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Enable profiling via the UI:  Confluence Administration >> General Configuration >> Logging and profiling >> Enable profiling
      2. Check atlassian-confluence.log

      Expected Results

      Additional profiling logging should be added to atlassian-confluence.log for each active thread. For example:

      2019-09-12 16:09:05,667 DEBUG [http-nio-26158-exec-6] [atlassian.util.profiling.UtilTimerStack] log [9ms] - /conf6158/admin/changeprofiling.action
        [1ms] - UserAccessor.getExistingUserByKey()
        [1ms] - PermissionManager.hasPermission()
          [0ms] - UserAccessor.isDeactivated()
            [0ms] - CrowdService.getUser()
              [0ms] - ApplicationDAO.findByName()
              [0ms] - UserDao.findByName()
          [1ms] - CrowdService.isUserMemberOfGroup()
            [0ms] - ApplicationDAO.findByName()
            [0ms] - MembershipDao.isUserDirectMember()
        [0ms] - UserAccessor.getUserByName()
          [0ms] - CrowdService.getUser()
            [0ms] - ApplicationDAO.findByName()
            [0ms] - UserDao.findByName()
        [0ms] - PermissionManager.isSystemAdministrator()
        [0ms] - UserAccessor.getPropertySet()
        [2ms] - XW Interceptor: Before defaultStack: /admin/changeprofiling.action (ConfigureLog4jAction.changeProfiling())
          [0ms] - UserAccessor.exists()
            [0ms] - CrowdService.getUser()
              [0ms] - ApplicationDAO.findByName()
              [0ms] - UserDao.findByName()
          [0ms] - UserAccessor.getPropertySet()
          [0ms] - SpaceAwareInterceptor.intercept()
          [1ms] - PageAwareInterceptor.intercept()
            [0ms] - CommentAwareInterceptor.intercept()
            [0ms] - UserAwareInterceptor.intercept()
            [0ms] - BootstrapAwareInterceptor.intercept()
            [0ms] - PermissionManager.hasPermission()
            [0ms] - XW Interceptor: After defaultStack: /admin/changeprofiling.action (ConfigureLog4jAction.changeProfiling())
              [0ms] - XW Interceptor: After validatingStack: /admin/changeprofiling.action (ConfigureLog4jAction.changeProfiling()) 

      Actual Results

      No expected profiling output is generated.



      • Navigate to Confluence Administration >> General Configuration >> Logging and profiling
        • Click Enable Profiling; and
        • Manually add com.atlassian.util.profiling.Timers as DEBUG logging
        • Manually add com.atlassian.util.profiling.UtilTimerStack as DEBUG logging

            sleatherland@atlassian.com Simeon Leatherland
            mninnes@atlassian.com Malcolm Ninnes
            11 Vote for this issue
            18 Start watching this issue
