Resolution: Fixed
Severity 2 - Major
Issue Summary
We are seeing that in many instances of Confluence performance issues, the logs are being spammed with the following types of messages:
2019-05-31 10:47:09,595 WARN [http-nio-8180-exec-175] [atlassian.confluence.event.MonitorableCallerRunsPolicy] Queue Overflow happened: Runnable: [Invoker: com.atlassian.confluence.event.ConfluenceListenerHandlersConfiguration$TimingListenerHandler$1$1@540aafe5; Event: com.atlassian.confluence.impl.content.render.xhtml.analytics.MarshallerMetricsAnalyticsEvent@16ee3cc4]; Executor: [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@147ade05[Running, pool size = 6, active threads = 6, queued tasks = 512, completed tasks = 6346603]] -- url: /display/ds/Managing+a+Space | page: 1023213894 | traceId: ac250fe443e52573 | userName: aa0000 | referer: http://my.wiki.com/display/ds/Navigation+Page | action: viewpage 2019-05-31 10:47:09,595 WARN [http-nio-8180-exec-175] [atlassian.confluence.event.MonitorableCallerRunsPolicy] Queue Overflow happened: Runnable: [Invoker: com.atlassian.confluence.event.ConfluenceListenerHandlersConfiguration$TimingListenerHandler$1$1@48c28143; Event: com.atlassian.confluence.impl.content.render.xhtml.analytics.MarshallerMetricsAnalyticsEvent@16ee3cc4]; Executor: [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@147ade05[Running, pool size = 6, active threads = 6, queued tasks = 512, completed tasks = 6346603]] -- url: /display/ds/Managing+a+Space | page: 1023213894 | traceId: ac250fe443e52573 | userName: aa0000 | referer: http://my.wiki.com/display/ds/Navigation+Page | action: viewpage 2019-05-31 10:47:09,016 WARN [http-nio-8180-exec-191] [atlassian.confluence.event.MonitorableCallerRunsPolicy] Queue Overflow happened: Runnable: [Invoker: com.atlassian.confluence.event.ConfluenceListenerHandlersConfiguration$TimingListenerHandler$1$1@48c28143; Event: com.atlassian.confluence.impl.profiling.DecoratorTimings$DecoratorTimingEvent@47e1074c]; Executor: [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@147ade05[Running, pool size = 6, active threads = 6, queued tasks = 512, completed tasks = 6346502]] -- url: /display/ds/Navigation+Page | traceId: dec3b0debc24e67d | userName: aa0000 | referer: http://my.wiki.com/display/ds/How+to+Layout+a+Wiki+Space
Steps to Reproduce
- Generate a flood of asynchronous calls to Confluence to simulate HTTP thread contention in the application
Expected Results
The logs will not be flooded with these messages and other potentially important information related to the root of the problem may be found in the log files
Actual Results
This message can be logged thousands of times in quick succession, leaving the admin with a useless log file that doesn't aid in RCA
The current workaround is to extend the default logging so that more logs are kept in archive, in order to give administrators a greater window to capture the relevant logs. This can be done my modifying the following two parameters in <confluence_install>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties, which influences size of log files and number of logs kept in archive, respectively:
log4j.appender.confluencelog.MaxFileSize=20480KB log4j.appender.confluencelog.MaxBackupIndex=5
Note however that increasing the logs kept will impact the disk footprint and size of Support Zips generated.
Extra Workaround:
You can also choose to get rid of the noisy logging by going to Logging and Profiling and setting below class as FATAL:
- relates to
CONFSERVER-55028 Improve "rejectedExecution Queue Overflow" logging
- Closed
Form Name |
This problem was fixed in
CONFSERVER-55028. Fixed at versions 7.4.4, 7.6.2 and 7.7.2