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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-58527

Store temporary files for Atlassian Companion App outside of the Roaming profile on Windows

      Problem Description

      Editing files via the Atlassian Companion app in Microsoft Windows stores files in two locations:

      1. Actual files downloaded and sent to the respective application:

      • C:\Users\admin\.atlassian-companion

      2. Temporary Cache files (including a CACHE copy of the downloaded file) is stored in:

      • C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Atlassian Companion\Cache

      Every time a file is edited, a copy is again put into the above Temporary Cache location inside the Roaming folder:

      C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Atlassian Companion\Cache>dir
       Volume in drive C has no label.
       Volume Serial Number is DC2E-570C
       Directory of C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Atlassian Companion\Cache
      27/06/2019  09:52 PM    <DIR>          .
      27/06/2019  09:52 PM    <DIR>          ..
      27/06/2019  10:35 PM            45,056 data_0
      27/06/2019  10:35 PM           270,336 data_1
      25/06/2019  09:29 AM             8,192 data_2
      25/06/2019  11:45 AM         4,202,496 data_3
      27/06/2019  09:22 PM           305,213 f_00000a
      27/06/2019  09:40 PM         4,305,498 f_00000b
      27/06/2019  09:41 PM         4,305,498 f_00000c
      27/06/2019  09:45 PM         4,305,498 f_00000d
      27/06/2019  09:45 PM         4,305,498 f_00000e
      27/06/2019  09:46 PM         4,305,498 f_00000f
      27/06/2019  09:46 PM         4,305,498 f_000010
      27/06/2019  09:46 PM         4,305,498 f_000011
      27/06/2019  09:50 PM         4,305,498 f_000012
      27/06/2019  09:50 PM         4,305,498 f_000013
      27/06/2019  09:51 PM         4,305,498 f_000014
      27/06/2019  09:51 PM         4,305,498 f_000015
      27/06/2019  09:51 PM         4,305,498 f_000016
      27/06/2019  09:51 PM         4,305,498 f_000017
      27/06/2019  09:52 PM         4,305,498 f_000018
      27/06/2019  09:52 PM         4,305,498 f_000019
      25/06/2019  09:29 AM           262,512 index
                    21 File(s)     69,676,275 bytes
                     2 Dir(s)  14,553,374,720 bytes free

      The Cache folder in the Roaming profile can therefore grow excessively large and hit size quotas on the Roaming profile folder.


      Provide a way to cap the upper limit on the Cache folder.


      Forces the maximum disk space to be used by the disk cache, in bytes.

      • Alternatively, this Cache folder should be written to C:\Users\admin\.atlassian-companion, outside of the Roaming folder

      Work Around

      Atlassian Companion App uses the Electron framework which generates/utilises these two folders:

      • Cache
      • GPUCache

      Edited: It is safe to manually delete the folders - the entire AppData/Roaming/Atlassian Companion/Cache directory should be deleted rather than selectively removing files. If the folder is locked whilst Atlassian Companion App is running please exit the app, delete the folder and restart. This will reduce the disk space used in the Windows Roaming folder.

            [CONFSERVER-58527] Store temporary files for Atlassian Companion App outside of the Roaming profile on Windows

            Alex K added a comment -

            A fix for this issue is available in Companion 1.1.0. View the Release Notes to see what other issues are resolved.

            If Companion is installed via the MSI, then it will need to be manually updated to the new version.

            Alex K added a comment - A fix for this issue is available in Companion 1.1.0. View the Release Notes to see what other issues are resolved. If Companion is installed via the MSI, then it will need to be manually updated to the new version.

              8c8bb50f2129 Ellen Oates
              hlam@atlassian.com Eric Lam
              Affected customers:
              1 This affects my team
              6 Start watching this issue
