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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-58097

Adding a second connector to server.xml will result in a false positive missing maxThreads warning in logs


      Issue Summary

      When adding a second connector to server.xml, during Confluence boot a false positive warning about missing maximum HTTP Thread (maxThreads) value not being configured on both of them, despite it's being correctly set.


      • Confluence 6.15.1

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Modify Confluence server.xml by adding a second connector with unique port
      2. Restart Confluence

      Expected Results

      • Confluence booth and operates without any issues

      Actual Results

      • Confluence boots and works, but logs a false positive warning in atlassian.confluence.log
        2019-03-29 14:06:40,518 WARN [localhost-startStop-1] [confluence.impl.health.DefaultHealthCheckRunner] logEvent Your maximum HTTP Thread size is not configured. The recommended minimum size is 48.
        2019-03-29 14:06:40,518 WARN [localhost-startStop-1] [confluence.impl.health.DefaultHealthCheckRunner] logEvent Your maximum HTTP Thread size is not configured. The recommended minimum size is 48.


      • We also see on the UI a warning like the following when starting Confluence for the first time after upgrade:

      • maxThreads value is set correctly on both connectors


      • The issue is cosmetic and warning can be ignored
      • Disabling/uncommenting second connector will stop the warning

            oshen@atlassian.com Oliver Shen
            imuzaliov Igor M.
            50 Vote for this issue
            58 Start watching this issue
