Hi all,
Thank you so much for your votes and comments on this suggestion.
We are beginning greater research on the topic of advanced auditing and would love to hear from you.
We intend to better understand:
- What information you need to log and keep about your Atlassian applications and environments
- What are the questions you need to answer, or specific insights your are looking for when auditing logs
Responses can be in regard to information that needs to be tracked for internal policies (i.e. security) or compliance standards (i.e. SOC2 or SOX)
What’s involved in the research:
- Sessions are 1 hour and conducted over video-conference, so you can participate from anywhere around the globe.
- After scheduling, you'll receive a calendar invite with a video-conference link.
- During the research, we'll start with a general chat to get to know you and your company, then try to understand better your auditing needs and even explore some prototypes.
- As a token of our appreciation, you'll receive an e-gift card worth $100 USD within 5 days of completing your session.
If you're interested in taking part, please send me an email at rbattaglin@atlassian.com
and I'll get in touch. We can't guarantee that all interested parties will be selected but we appreciate your interest in helping us to make auditing in our products satisfy more advanced use cases.
We look forward to meeting you!
Renan Battaglin
Server and Data Center Team
Hi all,
Thank you so much for your votes and comments on this suggestion.
We are beginning greater research on the topic of advanced auditing and would love to hear from you.
We intend to better understand:
Responses can be in regard to information that needs to be tracked for internal policies (i.e. security) or compliance standards (i.e. SOC2 or SOX)
What’s involved in the research:
If you're interested in taking part, please send me an email at rbattaglin@atlassian.com
and I'll get in touch. We can't guarantee that all interested parties will be selected but we appreciate your interest in helping us to make auditing in our products satisfy more advanced use cases.
We look forward to meeting you!
Renan Battaglin
Server and Data Center Team