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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-53081

Activity Stream gadget throws "The resource rest/webResources/1.0/resources, cannot be found." error


      How to reproduce this problem

      Have Confluence 6.2.3 + JIRA 7.3.8 installed and configured with application links:

      1. Create a dashboard in JIRA
      2. Click Add Gadget, then Manage gadgets to add the Activity Stream Gadget with the gadget URL served from confluence
      3. Add the Activity Stream Gadget to a JIRA dashboard, and observe the error message about resource cannot be found.

      The issue could be reproduced by adding the Activity Stream gadget into a page in confluence.


      Within Jira:

      1. Navigate to Jira Administration » System » Logging and profiling
        • Enable HTTP Access logging

      Within Confluence:

      1. Add the Activity Stream Gadget to a JIRA dashboard, and observe the error message about resource cannot be found.

      On Jira side:

      1. Open up $JIRA_HOME/log/atlassian-jira-http-access.log
      2. Search for rest/webResources/1.0/resources
        atlassian-jira-http-access.log i843x1060x1 admin [02/Nov/2017:14:03:22 +1100] "POST http://localhost:8080/jira/jira/rest/webResources/1.0/resources HTTP/1.1" - - - "http://localhost:8751/jira/plugins/servlet/gadgets/ifr?container=atlassian&mi... o843x1060x1 admin [02/Nov/2017:14:03:22 +1100] "POST http://localhost:8080/jira/jira/rest/webResources/1.0/resources HTTP/1.1" 404 0 0.0010 "http://localhost:8751/jira/plugins/servlet/gadgets/ifr?container=atlas...
      3. You can see that the URL requested into Jira by confluence has the Jira web context "/jira" incorrectly added twice resulting in a HTTP 404 Not Found Error


      Confluence is incorrectly doubling up the Jira web context path when hitting the Jira rest/webResources/1.0/resources REST call.


      Some people are able to work around the issue by creating a redirect rule as follows:

      Pattern: \bconfluence/(\bconfluence.*)
      Rewrite URL: http://localhost:8090/\{R:1}

      Essentially chopping off the second /confluence.
      NOTE: You must move this rule above the rewrite rule that sends normal traffic to confluence.

      The same for double jira.

        1. confserver-53081-confluence.PNG
          31 kB
          Feng Xu
        2. confserver-53081-jira.PNG
          20 kB
          Feng Xu

            ggautam Ganesh Gautam
            fxu Feng Xu (Inactive)
            43 Vote for this issue
            69 Start watching this issue
