Resolution: Unresolved
5.10.0, 6.0.3, 6.1.1
Severity 3 - Minor
Microsoft Powerpoint provides several kinds of bullet points. However, not all of them renders properly in Powerpoint Macro.
Steps to Replicate
- Upload testbulletpoint.ppt
to a Confluence Page
- Insert Powerpoint Macro
- Display testbulletpoint.ppt
Expected Results
Powerpoint macro renders each bullet point properly
Actual Results
resultbulletpoint.docx (This is a word export of the page)
Some bullet points doesn't render properly.
- Powerpoint macro do render single filled (•) or unfilled dot just fine. Please avoid using other bullet point for now.
- Switch to File Preview Macro instead.
In some occasions, this issue can also be resolved by installing the Windings Fonts in Confluence server or by using the following system property and pointing it to a fonts repository having the Windings font.
Thanks 7508a54bb8b0 for this suggestion
Read more about this in the guide: The text in a PowerPoint, Excel or Word Document is missing or looks different via Confluence View File macro
Powerpoint Macro Doesn't Render Bullet Points Properly
Resolution: Unresolved
5.10.0, 6.0.3, 6.1.1
Severity 3 - Minor
Microsoft Powerpoint provides several kinds of bullet points. However, not all of them renders properly in Powerpoint Macro.
Steps to Replicate
- Upload testbulletpoint.ppt
to a Confluence Page
- Insert Powerpoint Macro
- Display testbulletpoint.ppt
Expected Results
Powerpoint macro renders each bullet point properly
Actual Results
resultbulletpoint.docx (This is a word export of the page)
Some bullet points doesn't render properly.
- Powerpoint macro do render single filled (•) or unfilled dot just fine. Please avoid using other bullet point for now.
- Switch to File Preview Macro instead.
In some occasions, this issue can also be resolved by installing the Windings Fonts in Confluence server or by using the following system property and pointing it to a fonts repository having the Windings font.
Thanks 7508a54bb8b0 for this suggestion
Read more about this in the guide: The text in a PowerPoint, Excel or Word Document is missing or looks different via Confluence View File macro