Resolution: Fixed
2.0.3, 2.6.0
This is easiest to describe with an example. Let's say I have this setup...
{blog-posts:5|labels=qa,meeting,minutes|match-labels=all}According to the help text the "5" represents the number of news items to display.
>> If one of the LAST 5 news items entered does not contain all of these labels nothing appears. In this case the last 5 news items with "qa", "meeting", and "minutes" should appear. The macro appears to be counting news items that do not meet this criteria when selecting what to display.
As a workaround I set the number to 50.
- is duplicated by
CONFSERVER-7206 blog-posts macro error
- Closed
CONFSERVER-9986 Blog-posts macro label matching is ver inconsistent
- Closed
- is related to
CONFSERVER-9302 Blog-Post macro parameter 'match-labels=all' incorrect if a label does not exist
- Closed
- relates to
CONFSERVER-4010 Make news posts simply labelled pages and allow all pages to be accessed by date
- Closed