Resolution: Resolved Locally
5.0, 4.4
SQL server 2012 using the SQLServerIntlDialect
Confluence 5.5.3
Team calendar 4.2.4
Severity 3 - Minor
NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.
After upgrading team calendar to 4.4 or a newer version, when you reach Team calendar page, this message appears only and the calendar fails to start.
If the SQL server is using the newly data types such as nchar, nvarchar and ntext, when you upgrade a Team calendar from a version 4.2.4 to a 4.4 onwards, it throws this error message:
ERROR [active-objects-ddl-0] [net.java.ao.sql] handleUpdateError Exception executing SQL update <CREATE TABLE AO_950DC3_TC_DISABLE_EV_TYPES ( EVENT_KEY VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ID INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, SUB_CALENDAR_ID VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_ao_950dc3_tc_disable_ev_types_sub_calendar_id FOREIGN KEY (SUB_CALENDAR_ID) REFERENCES AO_950DC3_TC_SUBCALS(ID), CONSTRAINT pk_AO_950DC3_TC_DISABLE_EV_TYPES_ID PRIMARY KEY(ID)
and right after
java.sql.SQLException: Column 'AO_950DC3_TC_SUBCALS.ID' is not of same collation as referencing column 'AO_950DC3_TC_DISABLE_EV_TYPES.SUB_CALENDAR_ID' in foreign key 'fk_ao_950dc3_tc_disable_ev_types_sub_calendar_id'
The problem here is that the table being created with the incorrect column type VARCHAR where it should be created as NVARCHAR type.
This causes the upgrade to not create the table in the database.
The team calendar 4.3.13 does not create the new table yet, so uninstall the new version and install 4.3.13 for now.
- relates to
CONFCLOUD-48946 Upgrading Team calendar using SQL server does not create new tables due to incorrect column type
- Closed
Form Name |
Resolved by following this doc: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFKB/Confluence+Upgrade+Fails+Because+SQL+Server+Could+Not+Complete+Schema+Update