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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-43095

Unable to render JIRA issue macro on SunOS





      Confluence that are deployed on SunOS have the potential to encounter this issue after they upgrade to Confluence 5.9 and above.

      After the upgrade, the JIRA macro will not be able to render as per the screenshot attached below :

      You can also see the following error thrown in the logs :

      java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.xerial.snappy.Snappy

      In addition to that you will also see the following error in the logs :

      [xhtml.view.macro.ViewMacroMarshaller] marshalInternal Error rendering macro: jira
      java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /app/atlassian/confluence/atlassian-confluence-5.9.3/temp/snappy-unknown-c8836370-8f1e-45b8-88dd-418fac2dc69d-libsnappyjava.so: ld.so.1: java: fatal: libstdc++.so.6: open failed: No such file or directory

      the possible root-cause for this issue could be that the newer version of the confluence-jira-plugin is utilizing the snappy library but the older version of the plugin does not. We are still not able to know why SunOS does not load the library properly in this case.

      Workaround 1

      1. Shut down Confluence
      2. Search for libstdc++.so.6 by running the following command to find the library :
        cd /
        find usr | grep libstdc++.so
      3. Add the following parameters in setenv.sh or setenv.bat depending on whether you are using Windows or Linux based system :
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH

        Please note that your path might vary, please refer to the path output in step 2 and change the path accordingly.

      4. Start Confluence

      Workaround 2

      1. Upgrade to Confluence 5.10
      2. Stop your confluence
      3. Download this plugin confluence-jira-plugin-6.0.7.jar
      4. Go to <CONFLUENCE_INSTALL>\confluence\WEB-INF\atlassian-bundled-plugins folder
      5. Remove the confluence-jira-plugin-x.x.x.jar from the folder
      6. Put the new downloaded jar into the directory
      7. Clear plugin cache
      8. Restart the Confluence


        1. confluence-jira-plugin-6.0.7.jar
          1.52 MB
          Jing Hwa Cheok
        2. jiraMacroUnableRender.jpg
          7 kB
          Der Lun



            qpham@atlassian.com Quan Pham
            dooi Der Lun
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