Resolution: Unresolved
Severity 3 - Minor
The Confluence UI considers space keys to be case-insensitive, e.g. 2 spaces with "test" and "TEST" as keys will not be allowed.
The Confluence API, on the other hand, will not return a value for a GET with querystring parameter "test" if the key it was created with was "TEST".
- incorporates
CONFCLOUD-66502 REST API case sensitivity is inconsistent
- Closed
This issue is observed in at least Confluence Server 6.7.2 and also in Confluence Cloud. It is interesting to note that the creation of a page treats the space key as a case-insensitive value, where it is also observed that a page update requires a case-sensitive space key (see also tonybaloney/sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder#118). Inspecting sources, it appears that a series of space-sanity checks compares the space key value with equals (e.x. ContentCreator::validateUpdate) rather than using a more relaxed check using equalsIgnoreCase (e.x. AbstractCreatePageAction::getFromPage).
(see also: src/java/com/atlassian/confluence/content/apisupport/ContentCreator.java and src/java/com/atlassian/confluence/api/impl/service/content/typebinding/PageContentTypeApiSupport.java).