Resolution: Unresolved
5.6.3, 5.8.14, 6.6.7, 6.8.0
Severity 3 - Minor
Steps to reproduce:
- create large page
- do more than 9500 changes to the content
Expected behaviour:
File comparison appear
In atlassian-confluence.log:
2015-12-18 18:37:22,525 ERROR [http-bio-8563-exec-2] [confluence.pages.actions.AbstractDiffPagesAction] execute Error while generating diff: (page: 54-fix v.6 (6291463) vs page: 54-fix v.7 (5505039)) -- referer: http://localhost:8563/pages/viewpreviousversions.action?pageId=5505039 | url: /pages/diffpagesbyversion.action | userName: admin | action: diffpagesbyversion | page: 5505039 com.atlassian.confluence.diff.DiffException: Index: 175220, Size: 175220 at com.atlassian.confluence.diff.DaisyHtmlDiffer.createOrGetFutureDiff(DaisyHtmlDiffer.java:159) at com.atlassian.confluence.diff.DaisyHtmlDiffer.diff(DaisyHtmlDiffer.java:103) at com.atlassian.confluence.diff.WikiConvertingHtmlDiffer.diff(WikiConvertingHtmlDiffer.java:31) ... Caused by: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 175220, Size: 175220 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:635) at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:411) at org.outerj.daisy.diff.html.TextNodeComparator.getTextNode(TextNodeComparator.java:67) at org.outerj.daisy.diff.html.TextNodeComparator.handlePossibleChangedPart(TextNodeComparator.java:136)
Problem still happening even after setting the timeout to 4.5 minute and increasing the heap:
- parameter confluence.html.diff.timeout has been increased as per advice in https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFKB/Comparing+Page+Versions+Fails+Due+to+Timeout+Exceeded
- increase the heap (-Xmx) for the instance
- Problem still occur
No known workaround
- is related to
CONFSERVER-57893 Page comparison in Confluence has a high heap usage and might contribute to OOM errors
- Closed
CONFSERVER-54924 Long Running Task When Comparing Versions With Large Changes
- Long Term Backlog
Form Name |
Since the configuration changes require a restart I haven't been able to test it to see if it works. However, what I have noticed is that when selecting specific versions of the page (from the Page History page) we get this error well before our current timeout (which is set to 30 seconds). So we get the error within a second or two of hitting the "Comapre selected versions" button.
So for example we have a page with 28 revisions. When selecting revision 28 and 8 to diff we get the error message almost instantly. It doesn't look like it waits for the timeout to even occur. We're running Confluence 5.8.10. Also, is it safe to assume that Confluence 6 does not exhibit these timeout errors?