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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-39345

Page Properties Report Shows Empty Column When Formatting Is Used


      Steps to reproduce:

      1. create a few pages and insert Page Properties Macro
        1. in the Page Properties Macro, use formatting. Eg: as screenshot InsertMarkup.png attached:
          |Title| bababa|
          |{{Metadata1}}|dummy 7|
          |{{Metadata2}}|dummy 8|
        2. label the page . Eg: rambutan
      2. create a page, insert the Page Properties Report Macro
        1. use the label created in step 2.2
      3. Access the page that contain Page Properties Report
      4. Page 1 will shows all column correctly
      5. click on Next, (BUG) some of the columns has empty rows
      6. go back to Page 1, (BUG) some of the columns also empty
      7. refresh the Page 1, the columns will be showing the correct data

      Clear the Page Properties Macro's format and it will fix the problem as shown:

        1. ClearFormat.png
          40 kB
          Janet Albion
        2. InsertMarkup.png
          39 kB
          Janet Albion
        3. Page1.png
          12 kB
          Janet Albion
        4. Page1Fresh.png
          10 kB
          Janet Albion
        5. Page2.png
          7 kB
          Janet Albion

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jalbion Janet Albion (Inactive)
            9 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
