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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-39322

Page Properties Report sorting on column with Status Macro's is incorrect


      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a page with a Page Properties Report
      2. Enable sorting for the Page Properties Report on a column which contains Status Macro's
        • Fe.: R | G | O | Y
      3. Enable "Reverse Sort"
        (See screenshot-actual.png)

      Actual Result
      The pages are sorted (propably on color instead of content) like this:

      1. Y
      2. O
      3. O
      4. O
      5. R
      6. R
      7. G
      8. G

      Expected Result
      I expect the pages to be sorted on the status in the following order:

      1. Y
      2. R
      3. R
      4. O
      5. O
      6. O
      7. G
      8. G

      When I manually sort the table (by clicking the column header twice) I get the expected result. (See screenshot-expected.png)
      I've included a space export so it's easier to reproduce.

        1. 7.9.1_reverse sorted with the PPR option.jpg
          115 kB
          Basar Beykoz
        2. 7.9.1_reverse sorted with the PPR option-menu.jpg
          126 kB
          Basar Beykoz
        3. 7.9.1_sorted from column header.jpg
          130 kB
          Basar Beykoz
        4. Confluence-space-export-111307-124.xml.zip
          5 kB
          Maarten Cautreels
        5. screenshot-actual.png
          26 kB
          Maarten Cautreels
        6. screenshot-expected.png
          22 kB
          Maarten Cautreels

            aknight@atlassian.com Alex K
            33acf969ce41 Maarten Cautreels
            116 Vote for this issue
            75 Start watching this issue
