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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-39298

The entity_picker.js loading is slow for the first response


      The file entity_picker.js takes 20 seconds+ to load for the first response in a vanilla Confluence. The subsequent response is usually fast after it has been cached. This prevents large instances from loading the file due to a timeout.

      Step To Replicate

      1. Go to > General Configuration > Global Permissions
      2. Click search for the Grant browse permission to field for Groups.

      Observed Result

      The following result takes 20 second to complete even in a newly installed instance.

      This bug affect all the features that require entity_picker.js, for example adding restrictions to Team Calendars or Pages.


      Turning off HTTP compression in > General Configuration > Connection Timeouts may work in some instances.


        1. sample.png
          39 kB
          Jing Hwa Cheok
        2. confluence-userpicker.png
          39 kB
          Remo Siegwart
        3. image-2016-08-16-16-39-58-530.png
          17 kB
          wu bojie

            dluong Duy Truong Luong
            jcheok Jing Hwa Cheok (Inactive)
            27 Vote for this issue
            34 Start watching this issue
