Resolution: Duplicate
You cannot upload a file larger than 2GB through 'Upload file', while you can by Drag & Drop (See also attachmentPage.jpg)
Steps to Reproduce
- Install vanilla Confluence 5.8.10 using H2SQL (I guess DB does not matter)
- Configure Attachment Maximum Size to accept up to 10GB
- Create a space and a page
- Go to attachment (/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=<PAGE-ID>) of the page
- Try to upload a file larger than 2GB through 'Upload file'
Expected Results
The file larger than 2GB can be uploaded successfully
Actual Results
- The file larger than 2GB cannot be uploaded. The user will be redirected to /pages/doattachfile.action?pageId=<PAGE-ID>, which does not exist. See also redirect.jpg.
- The below exception is thrown in the atlassian-confluence.log file:
2015-09-17 09:51:28,383 WARN [http-nio-15810-exec-8] [opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.ServletDispatcher] getMaxSize Unable to format 'webwork.multipart.maxSize' property setting. Defaulting to Integer.MAX_VALUE -- referer: http://<CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL>/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=1572867 | url: /confluence15810/pages/doattachfile.action | userName: admin 2015-09-17 09:51:33,969 ERROR [http-nio-15810-exec-8] [com.atlassian.xwork.FileUploadUtils] checkMultiPartRequestForErrors java.io.IOException: Content Length Error (2147487387 > 2147483647) -- referer: http://<CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL>/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=1572867 | url: /confluence15810/pages/doattachfile.action | userName: admin | action: doattachfile | page: 1572867 2015-09-17 09:51:34,030 INFO [http-nio-15810-exec-8] [atlassian.confluence.util.AccessLogFilter] doFilter admin POST http://<CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL>/pages/doattachfile.action 625777+58696 5649 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 2015-09-17 09:51:34,039 WARN [http-nio-15810-exec-3] [opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.ServletDispatcher] getMaxSize Unable to format 'webwork.multipart.maxSize' property setting. Defaulting to Integer.MAX_VALUE -- referer: http://<CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL>/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=1572867 | url: /confluence15810/pages/doattachfile.action | userName: admin 2015-09-17 09:51:39,641 ERROR [http-nio-15810-exec-3] [com.atlassian.xwork.FileUploadUtils] checkMultiPartRequestForErrors java.io.IOException: Content Length Error (2147487387 > 2147483647) -- referer: http://<CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL>/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=1572867 | url: /confluence15810/pages/doattachfile.action | userName: admin | action: doattachfile | page: 1572867 2015-09-17 09:51:39,688 INFO [http-nio-15810-exec-3] [atlassian.confluence.util.AccessLogFilter] doFilter admin POST http://<CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL>/pages/doattachfile.action 683821-22390 5650 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
Use Drag & Drop instead
- is a regression of
CONFSERVER-20912 Large Attachments (more than 2GB) Cannot be Uploaded
- Gathering Impact
Benito - I am aware that this issue has been resolved, thanks! For my own knowledge of Jira use, I'm curious what the regular expression value you just entered is used for? If it's related to release notes or documentation, I'd be very interested in hearing more as we're working on providing better notes in our group as well. Thank you! William