Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-38082

Activity Stream Macro Title are garbled when user profile language is Japanese


      Steps to reproduce

      1. Set your profile language to Japanese
      2. Create or Edit Page
      3. Insert Activity Stream Macro

      Expected result

      Macros OK.png
      Activity Stream is "アクティビティ ストリーム" in Japanese.

      Actual result

      Macros NG.png
      Macro title characters were garbled.

        1. Macros NG.png
          71 kB
          Ricksoft Co., Ltd.
        2. Macros OK.png
          47 kB
          Ricksoft Co., Ltd.

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            3da02f17cbee Ricksoft Co., Ltd.
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