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Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-37710

Confluence remigrates our content on restart if a plugin is updated

      The recent fix in Confluence 5.7.4 ( CONF-35004 ) means that on each restart following a plugin update/upgrade/install, Confluence attempts to re-migrate all our "unmigrated" pages (1,800 pages and their attachments) because we have some unknown macros in those pages. These pages seem to get re-migrated again if we update any plugin, enable/re-enable plugins followed by a restart.

      This is polluting the change history of the pages because it adds another version on each page. It also appears that the attachments on those pages are getting re-indexed.

      I understand the fix may have been intentional but it's having some bad side-effects.

      Also related:


      A workaround has been added to the description of related ticket CONF-32837, which provides a method via SQL to disable the remigration job on restarts. As with all database manipulation tasks, please be sure to test this on a non-Production environment first.

      In the release of 5.10.8, a system variable is added to turn off the remigration behavior during startup. To use this feature:

      1. open CONF_INSTALL_FOLDER/bin/setenv.sh (or setenv.bat under windows)
      2. locate "CATALINA_OPTS" and add the below line to the file:
        CATALINA_OPTS="-Dconfluence.startup.remigration.disable=true $ {CATALINA_OPTS}"
      3. save the file and restart tomcat

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
            1. Confluence Data Center
            2. CONFSERVER-37710

            Confluence remigrates our content on restart if a plugin is updated

                The recent fix in Confluence 5.7.4 ( CONF-35004 ) means that on each restart following a plugin update/upgrade/install, Confluence attempts to re-migrate all our "unmigrated" pages (1,800 pages and their attachments) because we have some unknown macros in those pages. These pages seem to get re-migrated again if we update any plugin, enable/re-enable plugins followed by a restart.

                This is polluting the change history of the pages because it adds another version on each page. It also appears that the attachments on those pages are getting re-indexed.

                I understand the fix may have been intentional but it's having some bad side-effects.

                Also related:


                A workaround has been added to the description of related ticket CONF-32837, which provides a method via SQL to disable the remigration job on restarts. As with all database manipulation tasks, please be sure to test this on a non-Production environment first.

                In the release of 5.10.8, a system variable is added to turn off the remigration behavior during startup. To use this feature:

                1. open CONF_INSTALL_FOLDER/bin/setenv.sh (or setenv.bat under windows)
                2. locate "CATALINA_OPTS" and add the below line to the file:
                  CATALINA_OPTS="-Dconfluence.startup.remigration.disable=true $ {CATALINA_OPTS}"
                3. save the file and restart tomcat

                        zzhou Zhenhuan Zhou (Inactive)
                        a38518e05741 David Yu
                        2 Vote for this issue
                        19 Start watching this issue


                            zzhou Zhenhuan Zhou (Inactive)
                            a38518e05741 David Yu
                            Affected customers:
                            2 This affects my team
                            19 Start watching this issue
