Resolution: Fixed
NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.
Confluence Multimedia Macro declares that the application provides support to WMV videos, see excerpt below.
However, that does not appear to be valid, as per our tests, and per ticket
Please update documentation to reflect current macro capabilities, and decrease friction.
The multimedia macro is used to embed attached video, animation and other multimedia files on a Confluence page.
Confluence supports the following multimedia formats:
Adobe Flash (.swf)
Apple QuickTime (.mov)
Windows Media (.wma, .wmv)
Real Media (.rm, .ram)
MP3 and MP4 files (.mp3, .mp4)
MPEG files (.mpeg, .mpg)
AVI files (.avi) You may need to enable an avi decoder within your browser.
Browsers were we tested:
Chrome | Version 41.0.2272.118 (64-bit) | Windows & Mac OS X |
Safari | Version 8.0.2 (10600.2.5) | Mac OS X |
Firefox | 34.0.5 | Mac OS X |
- is related to
CONFSERVER-37433 Update Multimedia Documentation To Show Supported Formats
- Closed
- relates to
CONFSERVER-27581 WMV files doesn't play in Firefox and Chrome through Multimedia Macro.
- Closed
CONFCLOUD-37236 Update documentation to reflect limitation
- Closed